An Everyday Educator

I am an ECE. I go into work each day and use of every available bit of energy I have to ensure it is the best work I can do. I am neither the oldest of educators nor am I the most experienced. I am an average person simply trying to do the best that I can. I have decided to put my voice out there after many conversations with fellow ECE colleagues. After noticing all that we had in common (our frustrations, our hopes, our tasks, our successes) I realized that this must go farther than our after work coffee table conversations.

For one reason or another we have all chosen to teach. We have chosen to be educators. Furthermore, we have chosen to educate the youngest and easily influenced of all. Keep in mind this is no easy job. If it was as simple as some people think then the need for educators would be on the decline not the rise! The task of an Early Childhood Educator is not an easy one nor has it ever been. It does not come with awards, adoration, appropriate pay, or even the proper recognition of your title (your an assistant not an educator)! Despite the issues associated with this job, we get up each day and head into work. Whether it is a daycare, school, aftercare program, nanny work, or even religiously sending out resumes in hopes of a career to come. I have always enjoyed teaching and creating. I found being an Early Childhood Educator fit my personality and embodied the mark that I wanted to leave on this world.

There are many reasons people have chosen this job:

  • Paycheck (it may not be much but it is a living)
  • A love for teaching
  • Expanding the rigidity of kindergarten (Emergent Curriculum)
  • A new challenge
  • The shift to Full Day Kindergarten (FDK)
  • Many other reasons

No matter what reason brought you to this job or even what brought you to this blog, I know that among us is a strong group of bright, talented, patient, and deserving individuals. This is a space for educators in all walks of their teaching journey to find a supportive sense of community. I hope that you can learn with me, laugh with me, and experience the life of an everyday educator just like yourself.

Welcome to The Everyday ECE

The task of the modern educator
is not to cut down jungles
but to irrigate deserts
– C.S Lewis 

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