
Who Am I?

I like to think of myself as a woman of all trades. I have worked as a Residential Counselor in group homes and have had the opportunity to work for the City of Ottawa in the special needs sector. Developing programming for children with developmental disabilities led me to the Early Childhood Education program. I decided to blend my interests. I realized that teaching individuals with special needs and being able to provide quality programming to young children was a growing passion.

I work each day to provide the best programming and educational opportunities to the children in my class.  I believe that every educator has the potential to grow and develop. I know I am not the same educator now. I have taken from each opportunity, each set back, and each new encounter.

Bottom Line is that I am just like so many other hardworking people in this world. Simply trying to make my living and do the best at what I enjoy. So take a gander at these pages and posts. Leave a comment or two and share your experiences as well!

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An Everyday Educator

Whether we are in daycare, school, or private work, we as educators, come under scrutiny. It can be a stressful and overwhelming at times. I have met many people that have shared their frustrations, successes, and doubts.  Early Childhood Educators are the back bone to our Kindergarten and childcare programs. I have seen the magic that is created when a dedicated group devotes their time and effort. It is amazing to see, beautiful to be affiliated with, and wonderful to be showered by. The impact that educators bring to the lives of children is seismic. I would love for every educator to realize that they have a lasting impact. There are many educators starting out in the field, many fighting for change, and many just working their daily grind. No matter where you are on your journey you are an educator and that is something to be proud of.



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