Balancing Act

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Life gets busy. Life demands a lot. Things happen.

I haven’t posted in a while. Being an educator is a constant balancing act. Like a tight rope walker I have been trying to take careful steps to make it across the rope.  At times, it feels as if I am weighed down more on one side than the other. Attempting to make time for planning, documenting, family, friends, and learning has felt next to impossible.

I decided to put The Everyday ECE on pause. Like any educator I had a time where I needed to get everything back in balance. I am back on the rope and ready to keep walking.

I am currently working an afternoon position in the school board. My day ends at 6:15 and I get home around 6:40. After dinner, dishes, general house duties, and planning, it’s time for bed. I have been removing self-care to give myself more time. I have been working through my lunches more often. I have been spending more money on my after school programming. I have been going to bed later and waking up earlier. I have used my weekends to go to lectures and webinars.

Taking myself out of the equation gave me more time. However, it threw me more off-balance than I was before. I didn’t realize how far I had fallen. A few lunches lost here and there ; A night spent in instead of out. My life was my job and my job was my life. I love what I do but I forgot to love everything else to. It was easier to just focus solely on school. Balancing everything is hard but so much better.

Whether or not your classroom looks like Pinterest, you are still a great educator. Your lunch hours belong to you not the work you need to prep. Your class will still love you regardless of the activities you have out. Creating things is wonderful but creating time with your students is memorable. Find the balance. You can slip but try not to fall as hard as I did.