
A zero is a double edged sword. To most a zero is nothing or represents the lack of something. However, without the zero we would not be able to create the numbers and representations we need every day. Education cannot climb the scale from 1 to 100; if there aren’t any zeros our classes are stuck at at the bottom. 1.

It has become apparent at this point and time that we are the 0. Mighty and necessary but often forgotten, overlooked, and undervalued. Considering the teacher’s union has had 20+ days to bargain and we have had 3, it is easy to see where we land on the scale. For those in the board the idea of facing another year without a contract, wage increases, or even permanent work is too much to bear. Spending another year in limbo is not an option. Spending another year with a contract that exploits our efforts is not an option.

It may seem like the plight of those facing a strike in the board does not impact those who are not in the thick of it. As a unit of educators with similar experiences and expectations when one of our groups is being undermined then we all are. If the group of educators in the school board continue to be frozen out and swept under the rug then soon that is the standard for everyone else.

At this very moment with underappreciated and underfunded educators on the brink of another year are preparing themselves for a new crop of children. Pouring their own funds, time and effort into the program that does not give them what they need in return. A system that is failing its educators should be failing its children but the educators in between are ensuring this does not happen. It’s up to the zeros to bring the system from 0 to 100.

If a strike does come this September and the support staff are out of the schools and in the streets then will class still go on. Without the support of the RECEs and EAs would our educational partners be able to “hold down the fort” for a few weeks. If educators are not important and if we really are replaceable and unnecessary then the idea of a strike should not grip our teachers and parents with such worry and fear.

Despite the work we put in it is clear that there is not much respect for us. The idea of moving RECEs to older classrooms (1-6) to offer support in place of EAs, to remain wage frozen (even though this is over far more than money), the lack of planning time, and the ever increasing amount of children in before and after school programs have led us to the battle we face.  We are more than what we are perceived to be. We are more capable and with more experience than a 1 or 2 year diploma could capture.

As a zero I know my class could not make it from 1 to 10. Without my mirror RECE we could not make it from 10 to 100. I know my teacher would not be able to accomplish our envisioned goals for the year if she was in fact just a 1. One on its own cannot make it to one hundred it needs a boost. Luckily, there are two RECEs in our class that work tirelessly in partnership with our one teacher to lift our class to 100.

Always remember the impact you have in your environment. That you as an educator are more than what you are paid or the indiscretions you suffer. We are the zero and we are more necessary than others know.