Who has the time??

I have hunted around for a blog that could help me navigate the murky waters of my career. A club of fellow educators that would be going through similar experiences and trials. I have found that many of my colleagues and former classmates have been like fellow soldiers along side me in the trenches. In fact, when speaking with all of these individuals I realized that so many of us are in the same position but we are just going around and around in circles with our problems. There wasn’t any clear or decisive path to lead us out of our shared issues.

I realize that sitting down at a computer and typing for hours on end to create the perfect blog post may be off putting to some. However, I have always been told that you will put in the most work and your best work if it is something you actually care about. If there is a void that needs to be filled why not fill it rather than twiddle your thumbs and wait around for someone else to do it. That is what brought me here.

I can understand just wading through our jobs day to day. Putting in our time, heading home for the night, and then pressing repeat in the morning. We are not robots. We are not assistants. We are not bathroom monitors! We are Early Childhood Educators and we sit on the brink of a crucial and exciting time. With the shift to Full Day Kindergarten in full swing we are vital, necessary, and needed. What we bring to the table is what has been missing for years.  I know that with strong educators providing each other support there is nothing we can’t accomplish.

Some have said they can’t afford to waste the time,
I believe I can’t afford not to.
–  An Everyday Educator

Welcome to The Everyday ECE

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